AI: A Look at the 4 Major Types of Artificial Intelligence

Tech 2 INFO
4 min readJun 17, 2023



Narrow AI: Task-Specific Intelligence

Chatbots are a good example of narrow AI. They can have conversations on predefined topics but have no general intelligence. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa also qualify as narrow AI. They understand voice commands and respond to questions about certain subjects, but they can’t match human intelligence.

Artificial General Intelligence: The Dream of a Thinking Machine

An AGI system would be able to:

  • Understand complex ideas and abstract concepts that span domains
  • Quickly learn and apply knowledge to new domains
  • Reason, plan, solve problems, think creatively, and make judgments under uncertainty

While AGI may still be quite a few years away, we must thoughtfully consider how to reap the benefits of such a monumental achievement, while avoiding potential catastrophic pitfalls. The future is hard to predict, but with open dialog and proactive guidance, we can help ensure that human judgment and ethics remain central to any advanced AI developed.

Machine Learning: Using Data to Teach Computers

How Machine Learning Works

Some of the most common types of machine learning are:

  • Supervised learning: The algorithm is trained on labeled examples, like images labeled as “cat” or “dog”. It can then predict labels for new images.
  • Unsupervised learning: The algorithm finds hidden patterns or clusters in unlabeled data. It explores the data and finds natural groupings without any predefined labels.
  • Reinforcement learning: The algorithm learns from interacting with a dynamic environment. It uses trial-and-error and feedback to determine the best way to solve a problem.

Machine learning powers many technologies we use every day, including facial recognition, recommendation systems, medical diagnosis, and more. Although machine learning has achieved a lot, it still has some major limitations. Machine learning algorithms require huge amounts of data to learn effectively. They are narrow in scope and are unable to generalize knowledge in the broad, flexible way that humans do. Machine learning models can also reflect and amplify the biases in their training data. So, machine learning is a powerful tool, but still quite narrow compared to human intelligence.

Neural Networks: Deep Learning and Perception

Deep Learning

Computer Vision

Computer vision is an area of AI focused on enabling computers to identify and process images in the same way that humans do. Computer vision models are trained on millions of images to learn how to detect and classify objects, scenes, people, text, and more. Some examples of computer vision include facial recognition, self-driving car systems, and photo tagging software.

If you want more information about AI Tools then check out Top 9 AI Tools — It Feels Illegal To Know These 9 AI tools. You can also read more about what exactly artificial intelligence means and how it’s changing our world in articles like What Is AI? How AI Change The World/The Dark Truth Of Ai & What Is Technology? How Technology Is Changing The World. and also Read AI Explained: What Is Artificial Intelligence Really All About?

Ready to Get Started With AI? How to Apply Artificial Intelligence in Your Business

So you want to implement AI in your business but aren’t sure where to start. Don’t worry, there are several ways companies of all sizes are already benefiting from artificial intelligence. Here are a few options to consider:

Chatbots for Customer Service

Predictive Analytics for Data-Driven Decisions

Predictive analytics uses historical data to determine patterns and insights that can help forecast future events or outcomes. Many companies use predictive analytics for demand forecasting, risk assessment, and optimizing key business metrics. The more data you have, the more accurate the predictions can be.

Image Recognition for Efficiency

Image recognition is a type of machine learning that can identify and detect objects, scenes or people within images. It is used for various applications like facial recognition, object detection, and photo tagging or sorting. Image recognition can help automate processes that traditionally require significant amounts of manual review, tagging or sorting of visual content.

Robotic Process Automation for Repetitive Tasks


So there you have it, the four major types of AI that are shaping our world. From the narrow but powerful abilities of specialized AI to the human-like general intelligence that remains mostly science fiction, artificial intelligence is transforming how we live and work. While narrow AI has already made huge improvements in areas like image recognition, general AI is still a long way off. But researchers around the globe are working hard to make continued progress. Before you know it, AI may become far more integrated into our daily lives in ways both big and small. The future is approaching fast, so make sure you understand the different types of AI that are driving us toward it. Knowledge is power, so stay on the cutting edge and keep learning. The age of AI is here.

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